Monday, May 22, 2006

A Heritage Foundation for the left

Peter Baker, Washington Post Staff Writer reports today...
"After national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley delivered a speech unveiling President Bush's new national security strategy, departing audience members were handed glossy, red-white-and-blue booklets titled "Integrated Power: A National Security Strategy for the 21st Century."

"The booklets, however, outlined not Bush's strategy but that of the Center for American Progress, a three-year-old left-of-center think tank and refuge for Clinton administration alumni. Rather than issue a paper and hope it would be noticed, the center dispatched aides to personally deliver its rebuttal."
Baker explains the Center devotes 40 percent of its budget to communications. "It has its own blog, television booker and a campus affiliate that sponsors publications, speeches and a national tour with the bands Foo Fighters and Weezer."

"This is a new kind of model," says Lee Edwards, a Heritage fellow. "This brings new meaning to the term 'advocacy think tank.' It's gone where no think tank has gone before."

Ed note: I have been getting their e-mail newsletters on a regular basis... full of gritty facts that turn around a specific theme that lends sharp focus to each release.

Funded by George Soros, and affiliated with the Open Society Institute.

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