Saturday, February 12, 2005

Progressive Patriots

On Jan. 21, 2005 Sen. Russ Feingold filed a document with the Federal Election Commission establishing the Progressive Patriots PAC. The Progressive Patriot Fund, will finance his travel around the country as he gauges public interest in his possible candidacy for the Presidency. While there is a already a Draft Feingold movement with a Web site, a quick search for the term progressive patriots on Google reveals some other discoveries:

The Progressive Patriots Blog and the Greene Dragons, a group of patriotic revelers who invite you to join in the American Revel-ution, a fun and freewheeling independence movement from President-Select George II and his corporate monarchy.

"This day after the inauguration is another dark one for democracy, but I have three little words for progressive patriots: Impeach. Indict. Imprison." says Jerry Springer. - Listen, Call in, & Blog

Friday, February 11, 2005

LaCrosse presses state to support renewable energy

Message 2/10/2005 from Guy Wolf:

On Tuesday Night, 25 student Progressives and myself traveled to La Crosse City Hall to pass a resolution supporting a WI State increase in renewable energies. The goal (supported by Xcel and by Dairyland Power) would increase the State of WI to 10% by 2010 - still behind MN's goal of 20%. The bill would also require a 20% requirement for all State buildings. The resolution passed 14-1! We become the 6th city in the State to do so! (Now on to the La Crosse County Board of Supervisors).

Our victories at the Preston Tire (burning) Plant, the La Crosse County Board of Supervisors vote to support the Preston Environmental Impact Statement, our vote Tuesday night, and the Douglas County Vote to stop the transmission line are all good reasons to attend this Sunday's, Feb 13 Noon - 3 PM potluck, music, and speakers at the Houston Community Center, 109 West Maple, Houston, MN (35 minutes east of La Crosse).

We will be carpooling from the Cartwright Circle at UWL at 11:20, so if anyone is interested in a ride, please let us know.

Guy Wolf

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Free the Cuban Five...

Never heard of the Cuban Five? One of the five is imprisoned here in Oxford, Wisconsin and if it were not for the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five you might not have heard another thing about them. A documentary film from Cuba entitled "Mission Against Terror," will have its Midwest premiere in Milwaukee on February 8 and 9, featuring a special appearance by one of its directors, an Irish journalist who works in Cuba. Find out more at the Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Honey, I feel a draft...

Letter to Congress on Increasing U.S. Ground Forces
January 28, 2005

Dear Senator Frist, Senator Reid, Speaker Hastert, and Representative Pelosi:

The United States military is too small for the responsibilities we are asking it to assume. Those responsibilities are real and important. They are not going away. The United States will not and should not become less engaged in the world in the years to come. But our national security, global peace and stability, and the defense and promotion of freedom in the post-9/11 world require a larger military force than we have today. The administration has unfortunately resisted increasing our ground forces to the size needed to meet today's (and tomorrow's) missions and challenges.

So we write to ask you and your colleagues in the legislative branch to take the steps necessary to increase substantially the size of the active duty Army and Marine Corps. ----------->Read the rest from the Project for the New American Centuury

William Rivers Pitt wrote the following, "A good portion of TruthOut readers are all too familiar with the Project for the New American Century. For those who have missed this important group and the story behind them, this essay will fill in the gaps.

"The strength and influence of this group, therefore, makes the letter they released on January 28 all the more disturbing."