Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Gadzooks! New Nukes

Thanks to Guy Wolf for the following alert...

Do you want new nuclear reactors in Wisconsin?

Our local clueless leader, Assembly Leader Mike Huebsch, thinks its a great idea. He and local Republicans are about to introduce new legislation to create more reactors in Wisconsin. Why is this a bad idea?

1) There is still no safe place to store nuclear waste---little do many of you know that WI is about to face the battle of the century. In 2007, the Federal Government has decreed that the search is on for the nation's second nuclear waste dump. Remember the battle in the 70's and 80's? Wisconsin came out number 2 on the list for the nation's dump.

2) Right now there is a need for more than 37,000 shipments of nuclear waste if/when they find a site. Lets see. 37,000 shipments...and just about every major, middle sized, and small city in WI is either on the interstate or train lines.

3) Worse yet...the Feds are about to finalize the "temporary" removal of nuclear waste from Genoa, south of La Crosse; the two reactors at Prairie Island across from Hudson and western WI; and the possible removal of waste from Point Beach on the eastern side of the state...and then DUMP IT ON THE INDIANS in Skull Valley Utah--the Goshute People. This would travel up and down the Mississippi on its way westward. And just how many of your communities are ready for nuclear accidents? The point is...nuclear transportation has never been an issue with the siting of a private site in Skull Valley--are your local responders ready?

4) And of course...we are going to pay for it all. Xcel Energy is asking for a $8.18 monthly increase to cover the costs of retrofitting Prairie Island nuclear power plant so we can continue to create more waste!!



1) Listen/Learn/Participate -- 3 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2005

The Bush Push for New Nuclear Power Plants:
Wisconsin Public Radio Ideas Network
1-800-486-8655 (in Milwaukee - 227-2050)

Ben Merens will host a radio call-in show with Jim Riccio of Greenpeace and Scott Peterson of the Nuclear Energy Institute to discuss President Bush's recent speech calling for building a new generation of nuclear reactors in the U.S. With the pending sale of the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant in Wisconsin, and the mandate to select a second site for a nuclear waste dump, this discussion is particularly important for Wisconsin residents.

2) Print out and Sign the "No New Nukes" Petition

Visit Wisconsin's Nuclear WatchDog website ( and print out the petition posted at ( This Fall the Wisconsin legislature will again attempt to remove the 1983 common sense public interest statues regarding new reactor construction in Wisconsin. Sign the petition (and get others to do the same) to protect the
public health of Wisconsin. Here is the text of the petition:
"To the Governor and Legislators of Wisconsin:We the undersigned urge you to maintain the current Wisconsin statutes regarding construction of new nuclear reactors in Wisconsin. The statutes require that there be an operating high level nuclear waste repository which will accept the highly radioactive waste produced by any new Wisconsin nuclear reactors, and that such reactors be economically advantageous to Wisconsin ratepayers. These are common sense public interest provisions. If the statutes cannot be met,then there should be no new reactors built in Wisconsin."
3) Join the E-Mail List to get updates about important nuclear news in Wisconsin.

Sign on to the E-Mail list at: Wisconsin's Nuclear WatchDog is a collaborative project of Physicians for Social Responsibility in Wisconsin to provide public education and information about nuclear issues in Wisconsin. Let us know if you would
like to work with us: email or phone 608-232-9945.

Is nuclear power really clean and safe?
Is nuclear power the best way to develop sustainable energy for our country?
How many of your tax dollars should subsidize building new reactors and subsidize operating reactors?

Alfred Meyer
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Steve Burns
WNPJ Network Program Coordinator
122 State Street, #402
Madison, WI 53703

Guy Wolf, League of Rural Voters
N3421 Mohawk Valley Road
Stoddard, WI. 54658

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Drawing targets...

With 2006 elections looming, Wisconsin's progressive activists, regardless of party affiliation, need to begin charting where to concentrate their energiy and resources by order of importance. I'd like to invite nominations for a new list, similar to The BEAST of Buffalo's 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2004. Charting the Wisconsin Bulls' Eye target for 2006 could take premptive negative campaigning to new highs as we the people try to determine the 50 Most Loathsome Legislators in Dairyland.

Nomintions are open! Is there anyone worse than...
Sensenbrenner Yells At Constituents (With Audio!) ColdFusion04 says there's hope for the 5th District, "Fortunately, I learned that Shorewood has been redistricted into his district, so maybe there's an outside chance. Please send these clips on to people in his district as an example of how he treats his constituents."

Can't wait to hear George tonight...
In 1999, he criticized President Clinton for not setting a timetable for exiting Kosovo:

George W. Bush, 4/9/99:
“Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.”

George W. Bush, 6/5/99
"I think it’s also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn.”


George W. Bush, 6/24/05:
“It doesn’t make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable, you’re — you’re conceding too much to the enemy.”