Adopt a Ford Dealer on April 1st
The Sierra Club's latest campaign will ask people around the country to ‘adopt’ a Ford dealer in their community and schedule a meeting with the dealership. At the meeting you are instructed to encourage the dealer to sign a letter to Bill Ford, Jr. urging him to raise the fuel economy of his company’s vehicles.
"One of the most effective ways that we can influence Ford Motor Company to make the right decisions is to let them know that dealerships around the country want to sell cars, trucks, and SUVs that go farther on a gallon of gas," say organizers.
Driving Up the Heat (Sierra Club PDF)
Putting the Pressure on Ford Motor Company to Build Clean Cars
POLL - Americans See Fuel Efficient Cars as "Patriotic"
Petropulse is a daily weblog that documents the major and minor news stories published around the world concerning the influence of oil. Whether it is a story about gasoline prices, environmental policy, oil politics or global conflict; if oil influences the news, you'll find the story here.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005 is about...
the World Bank President. editors Alex Wilks and David Steven shine a spotlight on the intrigues surrounding the selection process and examine the likely candidates and their track records. They also pass on as much speculation and gossip as they can their hands on, including the fact that World Bank staff "feel like (they're) at a funeral". They comment, "the mood here in the bank in the last 2 days is one of shock and disgust."
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Hawaii & Louisiana Dems sink ANWR...
Following is the 51 to 49 roll call vote by which the Senate moved to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling:
Supporters of drilling voted Against removing a section of the budget resolution anticipating revenue from ANWR drilling.
Opponents of drilling voted For removing it from the budget.
Democrats Against (3):
Akaka and Inouye (Hawaii); Landrieu (La.)
Republicans Against (48):
Alexander (Tenn.); Allard (Colo.); Allen (Va.); Bennett (Utah); Bond (Mo.); Brownback (Kan.); Bunning (Ky.); Burns (Mont.); Burr (N.C.); Chambliss (Ga.); Coburn (Okla.); Cochran (Miss.); Cornyn (Tex.); Craig (Idaho); Crapo (Idaho); DeMint (S.C.); Dole (N.C.); Domenici (N.M.); Ensign (Nev.); Enzi (Wyo.); Frist (Tenn.); Graham (S.C.); Grassley (Iowa); Gregg (N.H.); Hagel (Neb.); Hatch (Utah); Hutchison (Tex.); Inhofe (Okla.); Isakson (Ga.); Kyl (Ariz.); Lott (Miss.); Lugar (Ind.); Martinez (Fla.); McConnell (Ky.); Murkowski (Alaska); Roberts (Kan.); Santorum (Pa.); Sessions (Ala.); Shelby (Ala.); Specter (Pa.); Stevens (Alaska); Sununu (N.H.); Talent (Mo.); Thomas (Wyo.); Thune (S.D.); Vitter (La.); Voinovich (Ohio); Warner (Va.).
Democrats For (41):
Baucus (Mont.); Bayh (Ind.); Biden (Del.); Bingaman (N.M.); Boxer (Calif.); Byrd (W.Va.); Cantwell (Wash.); Carper (Del.); Clinton (N.Y.); Conrad (N.D.); Corzine (N.J.); Dayton (Minn.); Dodd (Conn.); Dorgan (N.D.); Durbin (Ill.); Feingold (Wis.); Feinstein (Calif.); Harkin (Iowa); Johnson (S.D.); Kennedy (Mass.); Kerry (Mass.); Kohl (Wis.); Lautenberg (N.J.); Leahy (Vt.); Levin (Mich.); Lieberman (Conn.); Lincoln (Ark.); Mikulski (Md.); Murray (Wash.); Nelson (Fla.); Nelson (Neb.); Obama (Ill.); Pryor (Ark.); Reed (R.I.); Reid (Nev.); Rockefeller (W.Va.); Salazar (Colo.); Sarbanes (Md.); Schumer (N.Y.); Stabenow (Mich.); Wyden (Ore.).
Republicans For (7):
Chafee (R.I.); Coleman (Minn.); Collins (Maine); DeWine (Ohio); McCain (Ariz.); Smith (Ore.); Snowe (Maine).
Independent For:
Jeffords (Vt.)
The fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over. Arctic drilling may yet be prevented by voting against passage of the entire budget, of which Arctic drilling is a part. Please, thank Senators Feingold and Kohl for helping lead the charge to stop drilling for oil. Then boycott the companies that want to drill there:
Boycott these corporations and refuse to buy their gas until they promise not to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.
ExxonMobil: 972.444.1000 - Kwik Trip buys gas from Exxon Mobil, call them and let them know what you think 608.781.8988.
ChevronTexaco: 925.842.1000
Support these corporations that refuse to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge:
BP: 281.366.5174 and 202.457.6603
ConocoPhillips: 303.649.4065
CITGO which gets nearly all its gas from Venezuela and the government of Victor Chavez. President Bush is once again doing everything he can to overturn the 3 times Democratically elected government in Venezuela.
Supporters of drilling voted Against removing a section of the budget resolution anticipating revenue from ANWR drilling.
Opponents of drilling voted For removing it from the budget.
Democrats Against (3):
Akaka and Inouye (Hawaii); Landrieu (La.)
Republicans Against (48):
Alexander (Tenn.); Allard (Colo.); Allen (Va.); Bennett (Utah); Bond (Mo.); Brownback (Kan.); Bunning (Ky.); Burns (Mont.); Burr (N.C.); Chambliss (Ga.); Coburn (Okla.); Cochran (Miss.); Cornyn (Tex.); Craig (Idaho); Crapo (Idaho); DeMint (S.C.); Dole (N.C.); Domenici (N.M.); Ensign (Nev.); Enzi (Wyo.); Frist (Tenn.); Graham (S.C.); Grassley (Iowa); Gregg (N.H.); Hagel (Neb.); Hatch (Utah); Hutchison (Tex.); Inhofe (Okla.); Isakson (Ga.); Kyl (Ariz.); Lott (Miss.); Lugar (Ind.); Martinez (Fla.); McConnell (Ky.); Murkowski (Alaska); Roberts (Kan.); Santorum (Pa.); Sessions (Ala.); Shelby (Ala.); Specter (Pa.); Stevens (Alaska); Sununu (N.H.); Talent (Mo.); Thomas (Wyo.); Thune (S.D.); Vitter (La.); Voinovich (Ohio); Warner (Va.).
Democrats For (41):
Baucus (Mont.); Bayh (Ind.); Biden (Del.); Bingaman (N.M.); Boxer (Calif.); Byrd (W.Va.); Cantwell (Wash.); Carper (Del.); Clinton (N.Y.); Conrad (N.D.); Corzine (N.J.); Dayton (Minn.); Dodd (Conn.); Dorgan (N.D.); Durbin (Ill.); Feingold (Wis.); Feinstein (Calif.); Harkin (Iowa); Johnson (S.D.); Kennedy (Mass.); Kerry (Mass.); Kohl (Wis.); Lautenberg (N.J.); Leahy (Vt.); Levin (Mich.); Lieberman (Conn.); Lincoln (Ark.); Mikulski (Md.); Murray (Wash.); Nelson (Fla.); Nelson (Neb.); Obama (Ill.); Pryor (Ark.); Reed (R.I.); Reid (Nev.); Rockefeller (W.Va.); Salazar (Colo.); Sarbanes (Md.); Schumer (N.Y.); Stabenow (Mich.); Wyden (Ore.).
Republicans For (7):
Chafee (R.I.); Coleman (Minn.); Collins (Maine); DeWine (Ohio); McCain (Ariz.); Smith (Ore.); Snowe (Maine).
Independent For:
Jeffords (Vt.)
The fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over. Arctic drilling may yet be prevented by voting against passage of the entire budget, of which Arctic drilling is a part. Please, thank Senators Feingold and Kohl for helping lead the charge to stop drilling for oil. Then boycott the companies that want to drill there:
Boycott these corporations and refuse to buy their gas until they promise not to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.
ExxonMobil: 972.444.1000 - Kwik Trip buys gas from Exxon Mobil, call them and let them know what you think 608.781.8988.
ChevronTexaco: 925.842.1000
Support these corporations that refuse to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge:
BP: 281.366.5174 and 202.457.6603
ConocoPhillips: 303.649.4065
CITGO which gets nearly all its gas from Venezuela and the government of Victor Chavez. President Bush is once again doing everything he can to overturn the 3 times Democratically elected government in Venezuela.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Wisconsin enlistment plummets
Cap Times says, "The Army signed up 27 percent fewer recruits in Wisconsin last month than expected, putting it behind schedule for reaching its full-year recruiting goal, officials said Thursday. This was the first time it had fallen short of a target since May 2000. The defense department said recruiting has become more difficult for a variety of reasons, including concern that once in uniform a soldier will be sent to fight in Iraq."
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Pol-site competition/collaboration...
The White House announced Friday that the Treasury Department is spending more tax dollars on spin doctors called in to perform CPR on the Bush plan to privatize Social Security with new a Web site, but, I suggest you visit this one instead:
"Geometries of Power," is a techno-art collaborative that resulted from Fusion02. On December 6, 2002 students and faculty of the Bauhaus-University/Weimar and the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA) met online for a collaborative event creating images that use the interactive characteristics of space, geometry and sound to question concepts of power and control. It looks kinda cool but there is a browser extension required to really make the 3-D work and I have yet to fine tune it...
"Geometries of Power," is a techno-art collaborative that resulted from Fusion02. On December 6, 2002 students and faculty of the Bauhaus-University/Weimar and the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA) met online for a collaborative event creating images that use the interactive characteristics of space, geometry and sound to question concepts of power and control. It looks kinda cool but there is a browser extension required to really make the 3-D work and I have yet to fine tune it...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
I will evolve...
A lab owned by California-based Genetic Savings and Clone is under construction in Waunakee, Wisconsin. It's set to open in late March. And wouldn't you know it? They're having a sale!
"After years of research and development, February 1, 2004 saw the launch of GSC's "Nine Lives Extravaganza," our initial cat cloning service. We began delivering clones to clients before the end of 2004, and are continuing to produce and deliver clones for clients, now at a new price of $32,000."
As the corporate media spins Pet Cloning Lab Set to Open; Residents Debate Ethics, what's missing is any discussion of wacko-American consumerism.
How appropriate that today's New-Found-Blog is entitled, "deconsumption The party's over. Turn out the lights...." On that note, don't miss
Meanwhile, my favorite big-blonde-conspiracy-theorist tells me that Neocon enslaved scientists working in a Guantanamo lab have been forced to undertake gene-blending projects in search of the master leader for the master race. She sends the following proof:
"After years of research and development, February 1, 2004 saw the launch of GSC's "Nine Lives Extravaganza," our initial cat cloning service. We began delivering clones to clients before the end of 2004, and are continuing to produce and deliver clones for clients, now at a new price of $32,000."
As the corporate media spins Pet Cloning Lab Set to Open; Residents Debate Ethics, what's missing is any discussion of wacko-American consumerism.
How appropriate that today's New-Found-Blog is entitled, "deconsumption The party's over. Turn out the lights...." On that note, don't miss
Meanwhile, my favorite big-blonde-conspiracy-theorist tells me that Neocon enslaved scientists working in a Guantanamo lab have been forced to undertake gene-blending projects in search of the master leader for the master race. She sends the following proof:

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