Thursday, May 26, 2005

June 1st, a Green Day in Green Bay...

It's time to...
Fire Bush without further DeLay
Click above to sign up for this RALLY...
Wednesday, 1 June 2005, from 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Outside Congressman Mark Green's Office
700 East Walnut Street
Green Bay, WI 54301

Tom DeLay's state political action committee was just found guilty of violating Texas campaign finance law. A Texas judge found, in a civil trial, against DeLay's Texans for a Republican Majority PAC, holding that the committee failed to report $600,000 in corporate contributions, in direct violation of Texas law.

Now Mark Green wants to return home from Washington to run for governor... If I were him I'd run from Washington too!

A few weeks ago, a secret memo surfaced in England and was published by The Times of London. Actually, the memo is the minutes of a high-level meeting between U.S. and British intelligence officials discussing Iraq, held on July 23, 2002, well before the Bush Administration began it’s propaganda campaign rushing the United States to war. British officials have not disputed the document's authenticity.

Bush and Company have lied to Congress and to the American people. Lives have been lost and money squandered.


On June 1 at 3 PM we will present Congressman Green with over 600 petitions from people in Wisconsin's 8th CD asking him to start by removing Tom DeLay from power and returning over $30,000 in contributions Mark Green accepted from Tom DeLay's Pacs.

At 4 PM a rally by local citizens to Impeach Bush,” will call on Congressman Mark Green to initiate impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush immediately. Congressman Green voted to impeach President Clinton for lying about a private, personal affair which had little impact on the country. Now we have a clear case of presidential misconduct which has had enormous impacts worldwide, endangering the security and stature of the United States.

"Congressman Green needs to be consistent and hold President Bush accountable for lying to Congress and the public to justify an unprovoked attack on another country,"” states Rebecca Katers, one of the local Citizen Rally organizers.

RAW STORY's Larisa Alexandrovna reports that a movement seeking a "Resolution of Inquiry" by members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee into details surrounding the Downing Street Memo is now under way. A few weeks ago, that secret memo surfaced in England and was published by The Times of London. The Downing Street Memo is the actual minutes of a high-level meeting between U.S. and British intelligence officials discussing Iraq, held on July 23, 2002, well before the Bush Administration began it's propaganda campaign rushing the United States to war. Niether British nor US officials have disputed the document's authenticity.

A number of grassroots citizens organizations, including The BRAD BLOG and Velvet Revolution have issued their support for such a Resolution, which could potentially be the first move towards a criminal investigation and/or Impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives.

Urge your congress member to support a Resolution of Inquiry directing the House Judiciary Committee to launch a formal investigation into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House to impeach President Bush.

Two more documents provide ever more evidence that a Resolution of Inquiry is required from Congress. Bush's letter to Congress on March 18. 2003 and Elizabeth Wilmshurst's letter of resignation from the Blair administration a few days before the attack on Iraq. Read more about the documents at a newly-formed coalition website: that represents a coalition of: Progressive Democrats of America join with Global Exchange, Gold Star Families for Peace,, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Democracy Rising, the Rainbow Push Coalition, the Velvet Revolution, and Brad Blog to form the coalition. These organizations, are asking their members to contact their congress members to urge support of a Resolution of Inquiry.

Below is a link to Congressman John Conyers web site. He was one of the 89 Members of Congress who signed a letter to Bush demanding his response to the Downing Street Memo, and he is now hoping 100,000 citizens will sign on. PLEASE SIGN NOW! DON'T WAIT!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Phelps and his sheep...

If the notorious “Pastor” Fred Phelps and his anti-gay, anti-religion cult members ever come to your town some San Franciscans provide the following story explaining how to best deal with them:

"Believe it or not, Phelps and his sheep have been to our city several times to protest funerals (a pastor protesting a funeral?). The last time they were here we organized an AIDS charity fund raiser to coincide with his protest, and hundreds of San Franciscans signed up to pledge a dollar a minute for as long as Phelps and his hate group stayed and ranted. When the Phelps protesters found out that they were part of a fundraiser for AIDS charities, they left after about 10 minutes." Gregg Jaspers advice to Litchfield High students on how to handle Phelps' appearance there."