Friday, May 19, 2006

Bombs away... but first a few questions.

Mixed messages abound regarding who has built, is building or threatens to build atomic bombs. In 1946, following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US had a stockpile of 6 atomic bombs. By the late 1950s the number had risen to well over 5,000. In the next ten years the development of nuclear warheads proceeded to skyrocket to more than 30,000...

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists says, "As of January 2006, the U.S. stockpile contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads. This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500 nonstrategic warheads."

How many does it take to be really, really and absolutely 100% safe?

Back in 1998 a study by the Brookings Institution reported that, since the start of the Manhattan Project in 1940, the US Government has spent $5.5 trillion (or five and a half million million dollars) on nuclear weapons up to the end of 1996 - 29% of all US military spending and nearly 11% of all US government spending on nuclear weapons through the 56 years.

While we worry about Iran building a bomb... the United States is spending more today for nuclear weapons testing and design than during the height of the Cold War. Here's a map of where the active nuclear weapons facilities are located in the US...
who is profiting from this pointless expenditure?
Amer Industrial Technologies, Inc. (AIT) - AIT designs, engineers, and manufactures steel components for Nuclear Applications. 25 Years of Experience, Quality, and Project Management. Think Amer for Nuclear!
COGEMA, Inc. - Since its inception in 1982, COGEMA, Inc. has been offering total nuclear fuel cycle services to support the U.S. nuclear community. The COGEMA Group is proud to count the majority of the United States nuclear utilities amoung our valued customers and is present at a number of Department of Energy sites.
Duke Cogema Stone & Webster LLC - Duke Cogema Stone & Webster LLC is comprised of three partner companies -- DE&S, COGEMA, Inc. and Stone & Webster -- and a number of respected subcontractor firms. The consortium provides full-scope services required by DOE, including design, construction and licensing of a mixed oxide fuel fabrication facility; the fabrication of mixed oxide fuel; and the irradiation of that fuel in commercial nuclear reactors.
Framatome ANP, Inc. - As part of a worldwide team, Framatome ANP, Inc. designs and fabricates nuclear fuel, control components, and incore detectors. It also provides fuel-related engineering and analysis services associated with the nuclear fuel cycle, and field services for inspection and repair of fuel and related components. It is also actively involved in the back end of the fuel cycle in a number of areas, including spent fuel storage and disposal. An AREVA and Siemens company.
GlobalEnergyJobs - GlobalEnergyJobs is focused on the world's energy industry including: oil and gas exploration & production, refining & marketing; power & utility; pipeline transportation; engineering & construction; service & equipment; chemicals & petrochemicals; geothermal; alternative energy; fuel cells; solar; wind; nuclear; cogeneration; mining; professional services; energy banking and information technology.
Savanna River Site (SRS) - SRS was constructed during the early 1950s to produce the basic materials used in the fabrication of nuclear weapons, primarily tritium and plutonium-239. In 1989, SRS began lifting the veil of secrecy under which the site had traditionally operated. SRS focuses on three mission areas associated with products and services essential to achieving the Department of Energy’s (DOE) goals: Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Stewardship, Nuclear Materials Stewardship, and Environmental Stewardship
Thorium Power, Inc. (TPI) - Radkowsky Thorium Fuels (RTF) and the Plutonium Burning Fuels, which are the only known means of preventing commercial nuclear power plants from producing nuclear weapons usable plutonium, are the most effective method to permanently dispose of existing stockpiles of weapons usable plutonium and produce electricity. Thorium Power owns the patent rights to these fuels.
Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC - Westinghouse, part of the BNFL Group, provides nuclear services, nuclear fuel, and nuclear systems & projects.
And what about India and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)? We signed an international agreement along with 187 other countries, which prevents us or any of the other signators from providing nuclear technology and fuel to countries that have not endorsed the NPT.

When President Bush arrived in New Delhi in March, India had the capacity to produce six to 10 nuclear weapons per year. Under the tentative nuclear agreement reached before the president departed, India would be granted permission to produce more than 30 nuclear weapons per year.

Why has legislation been introduced to weaken US nonproliferation law and allow the US to provide nuclear technology and fuel to India, even though India has not signed the NPT Please urge your Rep. to Vote against HR 4974, the US - India nuclear agreement because it is a bad deal for nonproliferation.

And then there's the question of North Korea.

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