Sunday, March 12, 2006

Saddam's Secret Bunkers

I waited for months for the troops to uncork Saddam's secret bunkers. I remember the drawings that showed how this evil despot had created a whole city underground, safe against any form of attack... Too bad it was all BULLSHIT! Just like all of the other WMD, bio-terrorist, mushroom cloud crap that was peddaled from the White House.

Forcing myself to listen to FOX, I just learned about... secret bunkers just completed in Iran. It seems they were built at record-breaking speed, in a few weeks. Amazing! This is worse than Rocky II, III, IV. Will someone please turn off the river of crap that flows out of the Whitehouse?

Iran completed building of secrete bunkers near Tehran
12 Mar. 2006 14:08

Taking into account possibility of a war with the West, authorities of Iran have built a secret underground military headquarter centre near Tehran (APA).

According to the information of the Sunday Telegraph paper, the secret bunker was built in Abbasabad region of the capital and underground roads were constructed to main government buildings from the bunker. Representatives of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said that information about the secret bunker was obtained through sources in the government. According to the information of the sources, construction of underground bunkers aims to disable satellite tracking system to watch operation of some secret enterprises. Official Tehran has not expressed its attitude to this issue yet. The Minister of Interior of Iran Mustafa Pirmahammadi said that if the UN Security Council decides to apply sanctions on Iran, then Tehran will reduce volume of oil transported to the world market.

Now, guess who'e first to report this besides the FOX network...
London's Telegraph Group Limited: North Korea to help Iran dig secret missile bunkers
Followed closely by the Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Jerusalem Post, Israel
The Standard, Hong Kong

Calling Judy Miller... late breaking story alert!

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