Thursday, June 16, 2005

Best kept secret in Wisconsin

The news of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's resolution calling for the impeachment of Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld is exploding... into thin air. Yesterday's headline coverage splashed across the pages of the PEJ News in Victoria,BC,Canada where Danny Schechter - News Dissector broke WISCONSIN DEMS CALL FOR IMPEACHMENT a riveting recount of the action in Osh Kosh...
"Wisconsin Democrats are calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

"Loyalists at this weekend's state party convention in Oshkosh passed a resolution calling for Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against the three officials for their role in the war in Iraq.

"The resolution contends that the administration 'lied or misled' the United Nations, Congress, and the American public about the justification for the war. It cites the so-called 'Downing Street Memo' from British Prime Minister Tony Blair's government, as well as reports from U.N. weapons inspectors as evidence of widespread deception."
That's way more than you will find on the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's press release. I was hoping to find some mention of the resolution... but, no luck. I did find links to the Cap Times original and the Journal Times reprint of the same buried in the WisDems News section.

With Progressives rallying in Washington DC today in support of the efforts of Rep. John Conyers to hold an inquiry into the Downing Street Memo - currently supported by 104 other congressmen and over 1/2 million US citizens who have signed Conyers' letter to the President - one would hope that Wisconsin's Party leaders could find the courage to voice Wisconsin's support as evidenced in the membership passing a resolution for impeachment.

Hey really, it's safe to come out now and have a liberal opinion... More Republicans are beginning to regret their vote in support of this war and ongoing occupation. Congressman John Duncan Jr. (R-TN) recently said:

"I have come here tonight, first of all, to commend the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Paul) for these remarks and for his leadership role that he has taken in this regard. I also want to commend our colleague, the gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. Jones), because he feels so badly that he voted for this war and now he has seen what has happened. And certainly the most unfortunate thing has been the more than 1,700 young Americans who have been killed there now, and the some 12,000 who have been wounded, many of them severely wounded, maimed for life, in what was a totally unnecessary war."

Listen to the Conyers hearings on C-SPAN3 live today beginning at 1:30 CST.

Dennis Coyier announces...
Madison, Wisconsin Thursday, June 16
5 PM Gather at State St. corner of Capitol Square
5-5:30 Open megaphone
5:30 March to UW Library Mall
6:00 Open megaphone at Mall
Today many Wisconsinites will converge on the State Capital for a rally and march to ask for a full investigation into the Downing Street memo. It is hoped that hundreds will join us to help support John Conyers' call for an investigation into the Downing Street Memo.

At 5:30 we will march down State St. to the UW Library Mall in a show of support and solidarity with those marching in Washington DC and throughout the country. It is our earnest hope that our voices will combine into a noise big enough to be heard by our leaders and our media.

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