Friday, December 30, 2005

Impeachment Checklist

"We've got to be fast on our feet, quick to detect and prevent," Bush explains. "Do I have the legal authority to do so? The answer is, absolutely."

Many people including respected Constitutional scholar and George Washington University Professor Jonathan Turley disagree, "I think that this operation was based upon a federal crime. Under federal law, there's only two ways in order for the President to engage in the surveillance of citizens in this way. They can get a Title 3 warrant, which is the traditional electronic surveillance warrant in criminal cases, or they can get a so-called FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrant from the secret court. But it is a crime for someone, acting under the color of law, to order surveillance — or to conduct surveillance — unless you've gone to a judge under one of those two schemes."

1. Familiarize yourself with the Question that the Bush administration simply cannot answer:
"If time was of the essence, why didn't they conduct the searches and get the warrants after the fact, something that is allowed under the FISA law? They conducted the searches alright, but they never once sought the retroactive warrants."

2. Send an email to all of these media folks and ask them "The Question."

3. Sign Senator Boxer's petition.

4. Contact your senator.

5. Contact your congressman.

6. Contact Congressman Pete Hoekstra too.

7. File a Freedom of Information Act request HERE.

8. Sign John Conyers' petition to censure and investigate impeachment.

9. Join the guerilla marketing campaign.

10. Make a donation to ImpeachPAC.

11. Join the Impeach Bush Coalition.

12. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper asking people to consider "The Question."

(Thanks to Redneck Mother for inspiring the above list with HTML provided by Bulldog Manifesto.)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Predicting the War on Iran

Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse by William R. Clark exposes the relation between oil and the US dollar. In October of 2004 he said, "In essence, Iran is about to commit a far greater "offense" than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for Iraq's oil exports in the fall of 2000." - a fatal political move, but one that improved Iraq's earnings thanks to the rise in the value of the euro against the dollar.

To date, one of the more difficult technical obstacles concerning a euro-based oil transaction trading system is the lack of a euro-denominated oil pricing standard, or oil "marker" as it is referred to in the industry. The three current oil markers are U.S. dollar denominated, which include the West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI), Norway Brent crude, and the UAE Dubai crude. However, since the spring of 2003, Iran has required payments in the euro currency for its European and Asian/ACU exports - although the oil pricing for trades are still denominated in the dollar. Beginning in March, 2006, the Tehran government will begin competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE for international oil trades using a euro-based international oil-trading mechanism, launching the petroeuro.

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous...Having said that, all options are on the table." - President George W. Bush, February 2005.

A Financial Times article dated June 5, 2003 - shortly after the war officially ended - announced that Iraqi oil sales had returned to the international markets - once again denominated in US dollars, not euros. Not surprisingly, this detail was never mentioned in the five US major media conglomerates.

Beware the Ides of March...
The most recent news reports indicate the Iranian oil bourse will start trading on March 20, 2006, coinciding with the Iranian New Year.

In "Doomsday for the Greenback," Mike Whitney explains, "At present, the greenback serves as the world's reserve currency, the main medium of exchange. This allows the US to pile up enormous debt while avoiding the pitfalls of skyrocketing interest rates or hyper-inflation. The $2 billion of borrowed wealth that props up the faltering empire every day comes primarily from the exporting powerhouses Japan and China."

Coincidentally on March 23, 2006 the Federal Reserve System plans to stop reporting on the M3 in contrast to continuing detailed reporting on the other three indicators of the United States money supply:
  • M0: The total of all coins and banknotes in circulation. (i.e. currency)
  • M1: M0 + the amount in demand accounts (also called "checking account" or "current account")
  • M2: M1 + other various savings account types, money market accounts, and certificate of deposit accounts (CDs) of under $100,000.
  • M3: M2 + all other CDs, deposits of euro dollars and repurchase agreements.
William Clark notes that “both Russia and China significantly increased their central bank holdings of the euro, which appears to be a coordinated move to facilitate the anticipated ascendance of the euro as a second world reserve currency.”

Venezuela, the only member of OPEC from the western hemisphere, and the world'’s 5th largest oil exporter, has already dumped the dollar for the euro and has given the world's biggest oil company, ExxonMobil, until the end of this year to enter a joint venture with the state.

While the arguments for attacking Iran will hinge around their alleged attempts to attain nuclear weaponry, Bill and Kathleen Christison, former CIA analysts explain why, "...every peace activist on the globe ought to be in the streets and elsewhere lobbying in support of something very simple: do not attack Iran, even if this means allowing Iran to develop its own nuclear weapons."

In Let's Stop a US/Israeli War on Iran they say, "It is simply not worth a war... From 1945 until we invaded Iraq in 2003, we never once took military action to prevent other nations from developing nuclear weapons," including Israel, Pakistan and India. "...unless the U.S. and Israel (and other nations as well) all agree to work seriously toward eliminating their own nuclear weapons, any Iranian government will consider that it has as much right as the rest of us to such weapons," and much like Israel did until their weaponry development program was exposed, Iran will also deny that they are trying to attain nuclear weapons.

The Christisons say that Muslims around the world and many other people believe that, "Iran, with a population of close to 70 million, has at least as much right as Israel, with a population less than one-tenth as large, to have nuclear weapons."

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

MSNBC Poll hits 175,000

On December 21 MSNBC reporter Howard Fineman posted, "Spying, the Constitution — and the ‘I-word’ - 2006 will offer up Nixon-era nastiness and a chorus of calls to impeach Bush." Along with it a poll, that remains active and quite busy, asks readers to choose whether or not to punish Pinocchio for all of that lying and spying...

The poll just crossed 175,000 voters and the percentage who are choosing the YES button seem to indicate that George truly is a uniter and not a divider. A vast number of Dems, Greens, Repugs and Indies all seem to agree: Dubya deserves the same fair and balanced treatment we gave to Bubba before him.

Meanwhile, Washington Post's polling editor Richard Morin was online Tuesday, December 20, to discuss the new Post/ABC poll, which showed an eight point increase in President Bush's approval rating. Morin got a wee bit testy with the many participants who kept asking when he would poll on impeachment.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Dear Cliff

You have been a very good boy... and for such a long time, very ethical, fair, honest and faithful. And I know you feel like things are just not right anymore. Well, Merry Chrismaramadakwanzakkuh errr... Merry XMas. You are not alone in wondering how a President that was naughty with his secretary deserves impeachment while one who took the Nation to war over imaginary evidence presented as fact deserves to remain in office. Well, I have a surprise for you Cliff. Let me dig down in my bag.

At long last someone is asking about the I-word in a nationwide public poll...

"This is a day-show..." not polling only members of the left-wing choir. MSNBC wants to know, "Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?"

  • Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
  • No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors."
  • No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
  • I don't know.
Join the 146,000 people so far that stand united and VOTE Cliff. Then, have a Merry Christmas... and a Happy Holiday Season!


Friday, December 23, 2005

Dear Santa

It's been over 50 years since I wrote you. I imagine you know about my being a Marine in Vietnam and my two divorces, but I have tried to be good.

I know you're busy with all the kids, but, Santa, I'm feeling too old to be this sad at Christmas.

Can you help my country be what I thought when I was a kid? I want America to be good, not just strong. I want telling the truth to be really important. I want us to respect our friends and our enemies. I want us not to torture people even if they've hurt us. I want us to be safe because people like us, not because they're afraid of us.

I know I said I didn't believe in you, Santa, but I don't know what to believe anymore. Please bring these things for Christmas; I don't know where else to turn.

Cliff Adams


...published yesterday in a small Vermont newspaper called the Addison Independent.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Four Republican rebels

4 GOP Senators Hold Firm Against Patriot Act Renewal
More Safeguards Needed, They Say

The four Republican rebels:
Larry E. Craig (Idaho), 202-224-2752
Chuck Hagel (Neb.), 202-224-4224
John E. Sununu (N.H.) 202-224-2841 and
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) 202-224-6665
have joined all but two Senate Democrats in arguing that more civil liberties safeguards need to be added to the proposed renewal of the Patriot Act.

Hagel says, "I took an oath of office to the Constitution, I didn't take an oath of office to my party or my president."

"The beauty of Westerners is that we have a healthy distrust of our government," says Sen. Larry Craig, adding that gun owners are particularly leery of laws that give federal agents greater powers to secretly search offices and homes. "Whether they are business records or they are gun dealers' records or whatever, they are records that can be gained" under the law.

Sununu, whose father was a New Hampshire governor and White House chief of staff to George H.W. Bush, took issue with Bush's ultimatum. "How can the president justify vetoing the [temporary] extension?" Sununu says. "That suggests that he thinks the country is better off without any Patriot Act provisions in place than with a three-month extension. And that makes no sense at all."

"I think the responsible thing to do at this point is to move forward with a three-month extension" of the current law says Murkowski. She says she has received angry phone calls and e-mails from non-Alaskans. "But I've got to listen to my constituents first," she says, and they have been "very supportive."

Please. take time to call and thank them for their courage in putting the Constitution ahead of party politics.

And then consider sending one more thank you call to Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell at 202-224-3441 for leading a filibuster against the ANWR drilling bill and winning the critical vote against drilling. Senators Kerry, Reid, and Feinstein, among others, also played important roles, but Cantwell has been a consistent leader on environmental and energy issues.

"This is nothing more than a sweetheart deal for Alaska and the oil companies," she says. "That's why I am prepared to use every procedural option available to me as a senator to prevent this language from moving forward."

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Check out the centerfold at...

Pentagon officials have been spying on what they call "suspicious" meetings by civilian groups, including student groups opposed to the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual military personnel. The story (first reported by Lisa Myers and NBC News last week) noted that Pentagon investigators had records pertaining to April protests at the State University of New York at Albany and William Patterson College in New Jersey. A February protest at NYU was also listed, along with the law school's LGBT advocacy group OUTlaw, which was classified as "possibly violent" by the Pentagon. A UC-Santa Cruz "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" protest, which included a gay kiss-in, was labeled as a "credible threat" of terrorism.

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) condemned the surveillance and monitoring saying, "The Pentagon is supposed to defend the Constitution, not turn it upside down." SLDN executive director C. Dixon Osburn explains, "Students have a first amendment right to protest and Americans have a right to expect that their government will respect our constitutional right to privacy. To suggest that a gay kiss-in is a 'credible threat' is absurd, homophobic and irrational. To suggest the Constitution does not apply to groups with views differing with Pentagon policy is chilling."

The documents, provided to The New York Times over the past week, came as part of a series of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, which has sought access to FBI files on about 150 protest and social groups that it says may have been improperly monitored. Civil rights advocates say the government is improperly blurring the line between terrorism and acts of civil disobedience and lawful protest.

One FBI document indicates that agents in Indianapolis planned to conduct surveillance as part of a "Vegan Community Project." Another document talks of the Catholic Workers group's "semi-communistic ideology." A third document indicates the bureau's interest in determining the location of a protest over llama fur planned by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Rumsfeld Spies on Quakers and Grannies. says Progressive's editor Matthew Rothschild.

"You look at these documents," says Ann Beeson, associate legal director for the ACLU, "and you think wow, we have really returned to the days of J. Edgar Hoover."

Retro fear of Commies should then come as no surprise...
In New Bedford, Standard-Times staff writer Aaron Nicodemus reports, "A senior at UMass Dartmouth was visited by federal agents two months ago, after he requested a copy of Mao Tse-Tung's tome on Communism called 'The Little Red Book'."

Mr. Peabody set the Wayback Machine to the year 1974 to the final days of Richard Nixon...
The coalition, an alliance of over 100 grassroots organizations, has launched the Censure Bush campaign in order to support new legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers that would censure President Bush and Vice President Cheney and create a select committee to investigate the Administration's possible crimes and make recommendations regarding grounds for impeachment.

Doris "Granny D" Haddock, says it plainly, "Isn't it odd that a fellow can provide such poor administrative leadership that we lose part of New York and a big part of New Orleans, he can get away with leading a nation to war on falsified evidence resulting in the death of thousands of our young soldiers and tens of thousands of people abroad, he can get away with rigging elections and he can get away with destroying the environmental protections for our air and water and wild places, and he can get away with putting people in jail indefinitely without recourse to lawyers or fair judges, and he can get away with reneging on the Geneva Convention and actually torturing people in secret prisons--all of that--and still survive politically, but he can't get away with admitting to a little old felony back home. It will be like sending Capone up for tax evasion, but if that'll work, let's do it. We owe this to ourselves, our children, and the people of the world. Oh, that the Germans in the 1930s were as resolute in standing up for their higher values as we must do now!"!

Here in Wisconsin...
State Republican leaders are trying to rush through the constitutional ban on civil unions and marriage. Action Wisconsin would like you to Ask Lawmakers to Vote NO on the Amendment. "While the state Senate voted 19-14 on Dec 7 to pass the amendment, we still have time to contact our lawmakers in the state Assembly."

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tricky Dick...

"After years of researching Richard Nixon, which has often been met with amusement by friends, I exhume from my database the following nugget," writes Nixonbuff, Gregory. "David Frost interviewed Nixon in the late 1970's, and as a result there are many hours of tape providing much information. The following though, should make Bush nervous, as the White House meets the outrage from a troubled nation over illegal activities against Americans."
So what in a sense, you're saying is that there are certain situations, and the Huston Plan or that part of it was one of them, here the president can decide that it's in the best interests of the nation or something, and do something illegal.

Well, when the president does it that means that it is not illegal.

By definition.

Exactly. Exactly. If the president, for example, approves something because of the national security, or in this case because of a threat to internal peace and order of significant magnitude, then the president's decision in that instance is ne that enables those who carry it out, to carry it out without violating a law. Otherwise they're in an impossible position.
"And we all recall that Nixon fared so well with the American people too..."

Click to read more excerpts from an interview with David Frost that exposed Nixon's views on Presidential power which aired on television May 19, 1977.

Mad King George...
The Washington Post reports:
"Beginning in October, The Washington Post published articles describing a three-year-old Pentagon agency, the size and budget of which are classified, with wide new authority to undertake domestic investigations and operations against potential threats from U.S. residents and organizations against military personnel and facilities. The Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, began as a small policy-coordination office but has grown to encompass nine directorates and a staff exceeding 1,000. The agency's Talon database, collecting unconfirmed reports of suspicious activity from military bases and organizations around the country, has included "threat reports" of peaceful civilian protests and demonstrations.

Yesterday's acknowledgment of warrantless NSA eavesdropping brought the most forthright statement from the president that his war on terrorism is targeting not only "enemies across the world" but "terrorists here at home." In the "first war of the 21st century," he said, "one of the most critical battlefronts is the home front."

On occasion the Bush administration has explicitly rejected the authority of courts and Congress to impose boundaries on the power of the commander in chief, describing the president's war-making powers in legal briefs as "plenary" -- a term defined as "full," "complete," and "absolute."

In a Sept. 25, 2002, brief signed by then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, the Justice Department asserted "the Constitution vests in the President inherent authority to conduct warrantless intelligence surveillance (electronic or otherwise) of foreign powers or their agents, and Congress cannot by statute extinguish that constitutional authority."

The brief made no distinction between suspected agents who are U.S. citizens and those who are not.
United States Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) made the following statement on Saturday, December 17, 2005 in response to President Bush's weekly radio address:

“The President's shocking admission that he authorized the National Security Agency to spy on American citizens, without going to a court and in violation of the Constitution and laws passed by Congress, further demonstrates the urgent need for these protections. The President believes that he has the power to override the laws that Congress has passed. This is not how our democratic system of government works. The President does not get to pick and choose which laws he wants to follow. He is a president, not a king."

Fact Sheet on Domestic Intelligence Wiretaps
December 17, 2005
  • The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was enacted in 1978 to provide a statutory framework for eavesdropping on individuals within the United States, including U.S. citizens, who are not suspected of having committed a crime but who are likely to be spies or members of terrorist organizations.
  • FISA established a secret court that could issue wiretap orders if the government showed probable cause that the individual to be tapped is an “agent of a foreign power,” meaning he or she is affiliated with a foreign government or terrorist organization. This is an easier standard to meet than the criminal wiretap standard, which requires that there be: (1) probable cause that the individual to be tapped has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime, and (2) probable cause that communications concerning that crime will be obtained through the electronic surveillance.
  • In the 27 years since it was established, the FISA court has turned down only a handful of applications for wiretap orders. The number of approved FISA wiretap orders has jumped since September 11, 2001, with 1,754 FISA orders issued last year, up from 934 such orders in 2001.
  • FISA already addresses emergency situations where there is not time to get pre-approval from the court. It includes an emergency exception that permits government agents to install a wiretap and start monitoring phone and email conversations immediately, as long as they then go to the FISA court and get a court order within 72 hours.
  • FISA makes it a crime, punishable by up to five years in prison, to conduct electronic surveillance except as provided for by statute. The only defense is for law government agents engaged in official duties conducting “surveillance authorized by and conducted pursuant to a search warrant or court order.” [50 U.S.C. § 1809]
  • Congress has specifically stated, in statute, that the criminal wiretap statute and FISA “shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance . . . and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.” [18 U.S.C. § 2518(f)].
  • The target of a FISA wiretap is never given notice that he or she was subject to surveillance, unless the evidence obtained through the electronic surveillance is ultimately used against the target in a criminal trial.

Friday, December 16, 2005

There are moments... the Truman Show when cracks in the conjured reality inhabited by Truman Burbank start to widen. Like a mad detective, Truman tells his wife to look in the rear view mirror with him, "I predict, that in just a moment we will see a lady on a red bike, followed by a man with flowers and a Volkswagen Beetle with a dented fender...." and sure enough they materialize, passing by, almost as if he had a crystal ball.

Last night I had one of those Truman flashes... when I learned that, "a U.S. House of Representatives committee on Thursday approved a bill to create a corporation that would buy and redevelop tracts of land devastated by recent Gulf Coast hurricanes, helping property owners in Louisiana avoid massive defaults on home and business loans."

First the lady on a red bike...

Katrina floods breeches the 17th Street Canal levee with surgical precision, inundating the poorest sections of the city, leaving the poor and a majority of NOLA's (democ)rats left clinging to anything that floats for almost a week. Then, survivors are bussed as far as possible from the scene of the crime - Houston, Atlanta. Those who want to stay, undergo forced evacuation by sheriff's deputies in body armor, holding rifles. Shipwrecked, jobless, homeless, the refugees still hang on to their land back home, expecting to return someday.

Followed by a man with flowers...
Facing foreclosure with no solution in sight, they can thank Louisiana Republican and White Knight, Rep. Richard Baker for coming to the rescue with the Louisiana recovery bill. The House agreed yesterday to create the "Louisiana Recovery Corp." taking over the debt on "destroyed" properties at the request of owners unable to make their mortgage payments. The corporation would "relieve" hurricane victims of their mortgage obligations up to $500,000.

"This is a major step toward providing urgently needed financial options to tens of thousands of Louisiana citizens who right now face terrible choices, between continuing to pay the house note on a destroyed home they will never live in again or accepting foreclosure and an impaired credit record," Baker said.

"It's also a step toward rebuilding communities through the maintenance of a functioning market system, safeguarding a lending industry that will be essential for financing recovery efforts, and utilizing private sector resources to provide a fiscally responsible return on the taxpayer's investment," he said.
and a Volkswagen Beetle with a dented fender....

All of those beached and demolished waterfront casinos will magically reappear on dry land in the 9th Ward, bringing jobs and prosperity to a section of the city that was once wrought with poverty.

The Truman Show stars the first child ever adopted by a corporation... tune in any time for another episode in Louisiana's Electoral Disaster.

"When Hurricane Katrina broke the levees in New Orleans, it did more than create a wave of evacuees fleeing the city. Democracy itself is now a disaster area. Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has postponed city elections indefinitely, thereby extending the term of the city's mayor by executive decree. Meanwhile, bureaucratic squabbling and flawed voting mechanics threaten to bar tens of thousands of people from future elections..."

"New Orleans needs to get absentee ballots to its many registered voters who are displaced, but only the Federal Emergency Management Agency has a relatively comprehensive list of new addresses. Citing privacy concerns, FEMA refused to share that list and later decided it was too costly to notify people about their voting rights. Just this week, under threat of a lawsuit, it agreed to pass the list on to the state. Louisiana now plans to send notices about how to apply for a mail-in ballot to those already registered, but the onus remains on displaced residents to register and apply for a mail-in ballot."

Thursday, December 15, 2005

All we are saying... give peace a chance. Seems like a harmless request, but in the run up to the Iraq war it was Clear Channel that published a list of banned anti-war songs and prohibited their stations from broadcasting them.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign reports on another sign of the times....

A Madison radio station owned by national media conglomerate Clear Channel is selling the name of its newsroom, a move that drew sharp criticism from the Society of Professional Journalists. Under the naming rights deal, the station will deliver its newscasts from the "Amcore Bank News Center.

Imagine the discomfort in two corporate offices if this story ever needed to be told: Now this news update from the Amcore Bank News Center... Top Amcore Bank officials were indicted this morning by a federal grand jury on charges of financial fraud, criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice. More on this breaking story at the top of the hour.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Death notices

An editorial, "Without mercy" in today's SF Chronicle states, "GOV. ARNOLD Schwarzenegger once characterized his conflicted feelings about the death penalty as a duel between his 'Austrian brain and the American brain.' He recalled that capital punishment was an 'absolute no-no' in his native Austria."

The writer concludes, "Perhaps there was a time when Schwarzenegger might have at least delayed the death of Stanley Tookie Williams until the California Assembly could consider the merits of AB1121, which would impose a moratorium on capital punishment while a commission assesses whether its application in this state is 'fair, just and accurate.'"

MTV reports, "In the end, the execution process took longer than usual as technicians struggled for more than 10 minutes to find a vein in Williams' muscular left arm. As the team searched, Williams visibly winced and lifted his head off the gurney several times and, according to the Times, at once appeared to say, 'Still can't find it?' Witnesses said his death from the lethal injection took close to 20 minutes."

Williams' friend Barbara... "Becnel and two other supporters of Williams turned toward the media in the witness room and yelled in unison, "The state of California just killed an innocent man!"

"Mr. Williams has maintained his innocence since the day he was arrested," Attorney Verna Wefald wrote in the petition filed to California's top court on Saturday. "Given that the state's case rests on the testimony of criminal informants who had an incentive to lie, not only to obtain benefits, but to hide the truth of their involvement in these crimes, it is imperative that discovery be granted at this critical stage of Mr. Williams' case."

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the national NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and several other civil rights groups filed an amicus (Friend of the Court) brief urging the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to consider racist injustices in jury selection during Tookie’s 1981 trial:
"His trial was based on circumstantial evidence and the testimony of several witnesses, all of whom were facing a range of felony charges, including fraud, rape, murder and mutilation. Even the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals stated in a September 10, 2002, ruling that the witnesses in Stan’s case had 'less-than-clean backgrounds and incentives to lie in order to obtain leniency from the state in either charging or sentencing.'"
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Tookie’s appeal to investigate the racism and discrimination at the heart of his case, as well as Tookie’s innocence issues. One issue highlighted the fact that the prosecutor in Tookie’s original case removed three African-American jurors from the jury. During Stan’s trial, this prosecutor made racially-coded remarks during his closing argument, comparing Stan during the trial to a Bengal tiger in the zoo and stating that a black community - South Central Los Angeles - was equivalent to the natural "habitat" of a Bengal Tiger.

Now upheld by the United States Supreme Court, this ruling will establish as "case law" for the nation the right for prosecutors to exclude jurors on the basis of race and to denigrate minority defendants in front of all-white juries.

The ruling is a frontal attack on the civil rights of all Americans.

The California State Supreme Court had twice censured this prosecutor for equally discriminatory behavior. Indeed, a member of the California Supreme Court at that time made the following statement about that prosecutor :
...I believe that we must place the ultimate blame on its real source - the prosecutor. It was he who unconstitutionally struck Black prospective jurors. The record compels this conclusion and permits none other... This prosecutor knew that such conduct was altogether improper. The trial court told him as much. And so did we... This court attempted to teach this same prosecutor that invidious discrimination was unacceptable when we reversed a judgment of death because of similar improper conduct on his part. He failed - or refused - to learn his lesson. The result is another reversal - and another costly burden on the administration of justice.
Robert G. says, "Today, the Times ran lengthy obits of Eugene McCarthy and Richard Pryor on opposing pages and one neat bit of symmetry was found in their definitions of truth that has stayed in my thoughts throughout the day."

McCarthy: "slowed his baritone for a plain definition of patriotism: 'To serve one's country not in submission but to serve it in truth.'"

Pryor: "a lie is profanity," he explained. "A lie is the worst thing in the world. Art is the ability to tell the truth, especially about oneself."

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Talk 2 Action

What if there was a place you could go to talk about the religious right, whenever you had a question and needed an answer?

What if there was a place you could increase your knowledge, hone your skills and network with concerned and knowledgeable people all over the United States?

What if that place was not controlled by an organization with a narrow agenda?

What if people of any religious or nonreligious orientation who share a concern about the rise of the dominionist movement in the Unites States were equally welcome, and their perspectives were respected and taken into account as strategy discussions took place?

What if that place had an eclectic mix of people with considerable expertise as featured writers who you could read, and question and discuss with every day? And what if those same experts and all of the site participants shared a spirit of learning -- and learning in the open -- about things that could affect the outcome of the most important struggles of our time?

What if the goal of the site were not just education and the expression of opinions, but to think about and encourage taking action?

Talk to Action hopes to be that place. Become a registered user to participate.
"We are pro-religious equality and pro-separation of church and state. We are prochoice, and we support gay and lesbian civil rights -- including marriage equality. Therefore, debates about the validity of abortion and gay rights are off topic."

Monday, December 05, 2005

Good News for Progressives!

Senator Hillary Clinton is being challenged for her US Senate Seat by Jonathon Tasini. This will be a campaign worth watching.

"Our goal is to raise $3 million. Not to run television ads full of poll-driven political spin," says Johnathan. "We want to build a statewide, grassroots movement of people who are tired of politics as usual and want their elected politicians to reflect their values."

Tasini intends to run a bread and butter campaign. The only issues he'll be actively speaking about are:
  • End the War
  • Medicare For All
  • New Rules For the Economy
Tasini says, "The Administration and others who attack those who call for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq often pose that option as 'cut and run.' The language is purposely designed to try to frame people who oppose the war as unreliable cowards who can't be trusted to stick around when the going gets tough."

"But, the truth is immediate withdrawal is a far more sophisticated position...might I say "adult" position. It acknowledges the reality and the chaos of the war, it looks at the facts on the ground as they are and, effectively says, the war was a mistake. Grown-ups admit mistakes, learn from them and try to pursue a better course."

He will be a great ally of the Barbara Boxers and Russ Feingolds in the US Senate. Read more in his blog: Working Life.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Kinky politics in Texas

Texan Kinky Friedman, author of "Texas Hold 'Em," is running for governor. Given the successes of Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Kinkster figures he could be a governor, too; since governors don't do any "heavy lifting," he could do "some spiritual lifting," perhaps referring to his vow "to fight the wussification" of Texas. Apart from arguing for know-nothings in politics, Friedman supplies his readers with a great number of lists: Texas cheerleaders, Texas inventions, Texas oddities, Texas prison slang, etc. He even tries his hand at a bit of pop sociology, pondering the number of former Eagle Scouts on Texas's death row: He says, "Texas is number one in executions and number 50 in education... Dr. Phil might ask, 'How's that working for ya?'"

An an even lighter note...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

According to Santayana...

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Thanks to Christopher Wren of Madison who sends the following:

"I more than suspect already that he is deeply conscious of being in the wrong - that he feels the blood of this war, like the blood of Abel, is crying to Heaven against him. That originally having some strong motive - what, I will not stop now to give my opinion concerning - to involve the two countries in a war, and trusting to escape scrutiny, by fixing the public gaze upon the exceeding brightness of military glory - that attractive rainbow that rises in showers of blood - that serpent's eye that charms to destroy - he plunged into it, and has swept on and on till, disappointed in his calculation of the ease with which (that nation) might be subdued, he now finds himself he knows not where.

How like the half insane mumbling of a fever-dream is the whole war part of his late message! His mind, tasked beyond its power, is running hither and thither, like some tortured creature on a burning surface, finding no position on which it can settle down and be at ease."
That nation was Mexico and that snippet is from a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln in 1848 attacking President Polk for the Mexican War.

Chris Wren says, "The remarks bear frequent repetition, if only because they starkly emphasize the modern Republican Party's complete loss of - more accurately, eager abandonment of - its moral and political soul. Excerpts from Lincoln's speech have floated around the Internet since before Bush sent the first troops into Iraq. I like this selection from Garry Wills's book."

Source: Garry Wills, "Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America," pp. 177-78 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).

See also:

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Outspoken folk...

Madison's own Michael Feldman opened today's Whad' Ya Know with, "What Clinton did to an intern, Bush is doing to an entire nation!"

On Thursday, November 17, Congressman John Murtha held a press conference on US policy in Iraq. He says Abu Ghraib was what caused the shift in world and local support for the Iraq war. In the House floor debate on Friday Murtha quoted a recent survey that states that 45% of the Iraqi people now feel that attacks on the US forces are justified. The perception of American occupation of Iraq is now the driving force behind the insurgency.

Murtha further explained that in the first Iraq war Bush Sr. gathered a real coalition over $60 billion in financial support and followed UN resolutions to the letter. Bush Sr. also listened to all of his military advisors and moved accordingly. Murtha says the current Bush administration listens to no one: "The war's not going as advertised. What they're saying is rhetoric."

Send Congressman John Murtha a note telling him that you will not be silent while he is attacked...

Dear Col. Murtha,
I am writing to express my appreciation for adding another commendable act of courage to your service record, demonstrated by your recent speech in Congress. Thank you for standing up and voicing your beliefs and opinions even though you must have known well in advance that those actions were sure to draw a wave of personal attacks and insults. BUT, therein lies the true value of your effort - there were no reasonable or logical replies, no reasonable counter responses to your arguments because there is nothing that can be said to defend what Bush and Company have brought forth; preemptive war, torture, secret prisons and the use of chemical weapons on insurgents. Instead of a well-reasoned recourse all we get is personal insults and war chants from an administration with no plan of action and no wish to be held accountable.

Thank you for opening up this intentional log jam of silence. With a continual and unrelenting demand for truth it is the hope of more and more Americans that one day our country's honor and respect as a leader among the nations of the world will be restored.

Steve Kastner

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Compassionate Conservatives

Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Frist wants to get to the bottom of something. He's so worked up he's calling for joint congressional hearings on the scale of the 9/11 Commission.

"A string of prisons in Eastern Europe in which suspects are held and tortured indefinitely, without trial, without lawyers, without the right to confront their accusers, without knowing the evidence or the charges against them, if any. Forever. It's "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich." Another secret prison in the midst of a military camp on an island run by an infamous dictator. Prisoner without a name, cell without a number," explains Molly Ivins.

As Sen. John McCain said, speaking of the terrorist enemy, "This isn't about who they are. This is about who we are."

The League of Compassionate Conservatives led by Sen. Bill Frist is demanding some answers in a letter signed by him and Speaker of the House Republican Dennis Hastert, delivered on November 8 to Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Are they shocked to see that American policy regarding the humane treatment of prisoners according to the Geneva Conventions has been abandoned? Are they angry that we have leaders who are actually fighting for the right to torture? Are Frist and Hastert demanding an investigation into the existence of what The Washington Post described as "“black sites," secret detention facilities maintained by our own government?

"We request that you immediately initiate a joint investigation into the possible release of classified information to the media alleging that the United States government may be detaining and interrogating terrorists at undisclosed locations abroad," said Frist and Hastert.
They are seeking a Federal investigation to discover the leak that enabled the Washington Post to report: "The CIA is holding an unknown number of prisoners in secret detention centers abroad. In violation of the Geneva Conventions, it has refused to register those detainees with the International Red Cross or to allow visits by its inspectors. Its prisoners have 'disappeared,' like the victims of some dictatorships."

Don't despair! The League of Compassionate Conservatives bungled this with such slapstick that it rivals the Keystone Cops... Alexander Bolton reports Bungling meant leak letter leaked.
On Tuesday at 11:36 a.m., the Drudge Report reported that Frist and Hastert would “announce a bicameral investigation into the leak of classified information to The Washington Post regarding the ‘black sites’ where high-value al Qaeda terrorists are being held,” catching Senate and House Republicans off-guard.

CNN reported earlier in the day that Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) had said a Republican senator may have leaked information about the so-called black sites to the Post. Lott told reporters yesterday that he had been talking about another Post article. He said he was not talking about the article about the detention and interrogation facilities.

GOP aides conjectured privately that Frist’s delay in signing the letter may have been caused by concern over the possibility of endangering a Republican senator by calling for the investigation.

Frist told a gaggle of reporters at around 5 p.m. that he had not signed the letter. He did not sign it until 5:45 p.m. But even after then, it was not certain whether Frist had signed the letter. Frist’s office compounded the confusion by informing some reporters that he had signed the letter but also decided not to release it.
Don't miss On Rumsfeld's Watch, Nat Hentoff's commentary on a PBS documentary that aired on October 18 (watch the full program online) entitled "The Torture Question," produced, directed, and written by Michael Kirk that names U.S. torture commanders.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

That sinking feeling...

An October 2005 survey commissioned by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute found that "only 6 percent of Wisconsin citizens believe their elected officials represent the interests of their constituents on important issues. Most (47%) believe their local officials represent their own interests, while 40% believe they represent special interests over the interests of their constituents."

The numbers have dropped significantly since the last time the data was surveyed in March of 2002 when 21% thought that elected officials represented their constituents’ interests. The current survey reports that the lack of faith in elected public officials, "was widespread across every demographic group. The most stunning number was that there were no Blacks who believed their elected officials put constituents’ interests first."

If we think this little of the state's elected officials I'd like to see a poll on what Wisconsinites think of people "serving" in Washington.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rummy is not Satan

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions" - Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense CBS News, January 2002

But the transactions that can be tracked are even more disturbing, especially when they lead to insider trading benefits. Dick Cheney is about to be surpassed as the most wealthy Bush Cabinet member. Check out Donald Rumsfeld + Gilead... and don't forget to give it a News Googling.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences have a great stake in the future of Bird Flu. CNN reports Rummy has between $5 and $25 million invested in Gilead... the CA biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu. While the Pentagon has already spent $58 million on Tamiflu the Bush administration is considering a multi-billion dollar investment. In the last 6 months Gillead stock has jumped from $35 to $47 per share making Rummy one of the richest men individuals in the cabinet. Meanwhile, Tamiflu is not a vaccine. It merely shortens the duration of the symptoms.

Doubts Over Effectiveness Of Tamiflu: "Writing in the journal Nature, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, working with researchers in Asia, have reported a worrying finding regarding avian flu. It seems that the virus may already be altering itself to become resistant against the drug oseltamivir, marketed under the name Tamiflu."

Before Rummy was Defense Secretary, allegedly approving the torture of prisoners, he was both CEO at Searle Corp. (a major maker of aspartame products) and part of the Reagan transition team that appointed the FDA Commissioner who then approved aspartame for human consumption. Attorney Jim Turner was able to nearly single handedly keep it off the market for 11 years until Searle hired Rumsfeld to skirt through the politics of the FDA and get it approved so they could earn billions of dollars. reports that the claims that Nutrasweet and other aspartame-based artificial sweeteners are "perfectly safe" have been encountering more and more opposition lately, as activists from a variety of consumer and health groups continue to challenge the contentions by manufacturers that they are not systematically poisoning those who consume foods and beverages that use their products instead of sugar or other substitutes.

Dr. Betty Martini of Mission Possible, an international 'Aspartame resistance' movement, outlines two aspects of the situation:
  • the recent study in Italy – showing causative links malignant brain tumors, lymphoma, and leukemia. In Sept they added kidney cancer and cancer of the cranial peripheral nerves
  • and the upcoming hearing in New Mexico to consider a statewide ban.
She has even written to Senator Joe Biden, who is exploring charges of Rumsfeld's complicity in the Abu Ghraib incidents, asking if he should not be investigating this much older (and potentially deadlier) abuse of power. Aspartame is now found in more than 5,000 food products, including diet soft drinks and snacks like puddings. A new documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, thoroughly examines a hot-button subject many consider to be imaginary: the toxicity of aspartame.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Peg Lautenschlager meet Mr. Floatie

Mr. Floatie

"After a year of failed negotiations aimed at averting litigation, Wisconsin's state Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager said Tuesday that she would sue the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for dumping about 1.5 billion gallons of untreated storm water and sanitary waste into local waterways in May 2004."

Canadians are contending with an even greater disregard for the effects of municipal sewage dumping, and their cleanup advocate also tried campaigning as a candidate. Unfortunately Mr. Floatie, the Vancouver sewage activist, was wiped clean off the B.C. ballot.

People Opposed to Outfall Pollution (POOP) say, "Watch for him to keep popping up to talk about Victoria's ongoing dumping of raw sewage into the ocean," as they continue their ongoing efforts to build greater public awareness.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Warmongers in retreat...

Bush Admin. Drops 'Bunker-Buster' Plan
Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., said funding for the nuclear bunker-buster as part of the Energy Department's fiscal 2006 budget has been dropped at the department's request.

"This is a true victory for a more rational nuclear policy," said Stephen Young, a senior analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nuclear nonproliferation advocacy group. "The proposed weapon, more than 70 times the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, would have caused unparalleled collateral damage."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In the trenches...

"Three years ago when the Congress and the country debated the resolution to give President Bush the authority to launch a preemptive war against Iraq, reference was often made to the lessons of Vietnam... There are many lessons, both of that war and of the efforts to end it. But one that made a deep impression on me came from former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, the architect of that war, who said our greatest mistake was not understanding our enemy." - Read Sen. Patrick Leahy's complete statement on The War In Iraq, delivered this morning, October 25, 2005 on the Senate Floor.
Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold:
Why a Timeframe for the U.S. Military Mission in Iraq Will Improve Our National Security

Cindy Sheehan: Don't support Clinton unless she flips on war

NPR's David Welna reports that...
As Death Toll Hits 2,000, Democrats Divided on Iraq

  • 22 Senate Democrats voted against the Iraq war resolution
  • Of the 29 who voted for the Iraq War... Dodd, Feinstein, Parkins, Rockefeller have all come to regret that action. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) continue defend their vote.
David Sirota says, "Democratic Senators who voted for the Iraq War and who do not say that vote was a mistake have hurt the party's ability to craft any sort of coherent message on national security. Welna's piece is extremely hard hitting. He gets some Democratic Senators on record who voted for the war to admit it was a mistake - these Senators have a lot of guts and should be applauded. Welna also catches on tape two Democratic Senators - Hillary Clinton and Herb Kohl - refusing to answer any questions about the war."

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

SUSA's latest poll

Thanks to Robert Godfrey for the following details from SUSA's latest 50-state Bush poll:
  • Seven states actually gave Bush higher approval ratings than disapproval: Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska, Nebraska, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Two were a wash.
  • Forty-one states are turning against Bush... with thirty-five scoring a double-digit disapproval disparity.
  • Interestingly, Ohio - the BIG Bush Swing State - gives him a 37% approval and a 61% disapproval rating.
  • Also, check out the surprising sudden turnaround in Texas.
Rep. Sherrod Brown (D) Ohio is currently delivering a blistering attack in Congress against Republican efforts to maintain tax cuts for the wealthy while Medicare premiums have doubled over the past few years and Republicans plan further cuts in other benefits. He also recently announced a plan to run for Senate in Ohio... to campaign in the Democratic primary against Paul Hackett, the Iraq war veteran who almost won a seat in the House by running in a very strong Republican district of Ohio. Hackett, a former Marine is asking people to sign this pledge:
I pledge to only support candidates who:
1. Acknowledge that the U.S. was misled into the war in Iraq
2. Advocate for a responsible exit plan with a timeline
3. Support our troops at home and abroad

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Plan Columbia

Bill Anderson sends the following:
I saw an excellent presentation tonight, by a woman from Columbia. She is a human rights lawyer, and native Columbian. She was talking about "Plan Columbia", the drug war supported by the Columbian government, but funded and implemented by the United States government primarily through private corporations.

Military and Para-military operations are everywhere in Columbia. Tens of thousands of people have been "disappeared", assasinated, and murdered, by mercernary and guerrilla forces. Jets built by private corporations, but paid for by US taxpayers, are flown in, which spray herbacidal chemicals that are dangerous to humans, and are run out of airports built by private corporations, also financed by U.S. taxpayers. Native populations are forced to privatize their land, so that it can be bought by international investors and venture capitalists.

It was a very moving presentation, but there is no simple answer to the problems raised. The ultimate goal must be to end the military operations. The problem is, the United States government denies that it is a military action, since it is a part of the "War on Drugs."

An older gentleman also spoke, about his own experiences travelling to Columbia several times in the past few years, to see the situation for himself. When he went, he had to bring two letters from his US Senators telling any potential guerillas, para-military forces, or mercernaries, not to kill him and his wife.

More information can be found at these sites-


Friday, October 14, 2005

Catch Arianna on Judy

"So which way will it go? Will the Times save its journalistic soul by coming clean or will it serve up a mushy bowl of Judy-shielding pablum to avoid contradicting its editorial stance so far?" Don't miss this... Catch-22 at the New York Times

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Gas, oil... and pedal power

An energy consultant who's privy to a lot of insider information about the hurricane damage to the US energy infrastructure from Katrina and Rita provides the following report:
21 natural gas processing plants with a total daily capacity of 13.1 billion cubic feet per day are closed. Natural gas prices have doubled. Respective storage injection is down by at least 35% nationally.

15 natural gas pipelines are either completely shut-in (no supply) or are not meeting delivery contracts (force majeure).

2 liquefied natural gas terminals are closed (the US only has 4 or 5 LNG terminals total). One terminal is expected to reopen today, Wed., Oct. 5, 2005.

Katrina destroyed 46 Gulf oil production platforms. Rita destroyed 63 production platforms, newer than those hit by Katrina and having higher average production rates. Therefore, the short term impact of Rita is twice that of Katrina - and the impacts are additive.

45% of ALL US offshore drilling rigs have been sunk, severely damaged, set adrift, or run aground.
  • 8% have been destroyed or sunk.
  • 18% have been severely damaged.
  • 19% are adrift or aground.
  • Backorders for new drilling rigs now extend out over 6 years.
Over 50% of Gulf Coast refinery capacity (25% of US total) is still not running. 35% of Gulf Coast refineries will remain down for a while

6 refined product pipelines are having supply problems, 2 of which are completely shut down and 4 are running at less than 50% capacity.

Release of Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) will have some impact, but it will not help the natural gas situation at all. SPR is crude oil… shortages will still develop because of loss of refinery capacity.

Hurricane Ivan (last year) had a minor impact on the markets for 6 months. Katrina and Rita will have a major impact for about 6 years!
PEDAL [Pedal Energy Development Alternatives] develops and promotes the use of pedal powered technology - including Maya Pedal, a new organization in Guatemala that recycles used bicycles to build pedal-powered machines, bicimáquinas.

Pedal Power - recycled bike-machines give new life to Guatemalan farmers

Monday, October 03, 2005

I Love Paris in the Fall

"I love pink, I love Barbies, and pink's the favorite color of my whole life," Paris Hilton is saying at a shutterbug press conference. "I think every girl loves pink." Through it all, Paris is sporting a limited-edition watch from her new luxury collection. Only 100 watches are being made, retailing for $100,000 each! The Paris Hilton watch has not been released to the public yet bt will launch in December 2005.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Charts and more charts

The following charts, based mostly on data from the Office of Management and Budget, display the growth of the federal government since the 1960–1963 period.

Sea Ice Decline Intensifies
Summer Arctic sea ice falls far below average for fourth year, winter ice sees sharp decline, spring melt starts earlier

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Throngs tell Bush and Co. where to go...

The poet Sharon Olds, winner of a National Book Critics Circle Award and professor of creative writing at New York University, was invited along with a number of other writers by First Lady Laura Bush to read from their works. She responded with the letter below... Three years ago artist Jules Feiffer also declined to attend the festival's White House breakfast as a protest against the Iraq War in "Mr. Feiffer Regrets."
Dear Mrs. Bush,

I am writing to let you know why I am not able to accept your kind invitation to give a presentation at the National Book Festival on September 24, or to attend your dinner at the Library of Congress or the breakfast at the White House... Read the entire letter in the Nation's "No Place for a Poet at a Banquet of Shame." invites you to...
"Get to Know Ben Marble, an Interview with the Guy Who Told Dick Cheney to Go Fuc* Himself."

Military Families Speak Out is an organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who speak out for relatives or loved ones in the military.

C-SPAN will cover some of the hundreds of thousands of people around the world and in Washington DC who are also speaking out - live today, beginning at 10:30 AM Central Time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Google reacts to google-bombing

Christian Exodus has a mission... Founder, Cory Burnell (who remains in California) is, "...coordinating the move of thousands of Christians to South Carolina for the express purpose of re-establishing Godly, constitutional government." Google Bombers are also on a mission... regarding Intelligent Design, making sure it likns to an an intelligent resource.

And it works... just see what happens when you type that phrase or the phrase "miserable failure" into Google's search box, or even just the single word "failure." Today Google decided to explain the results with a new entry at the top right hand column of the results page, right where the sponsored ads usually appear you will now see the following: "Why these results? These results may seem politically slanted. Here's what happened."

Mathew Ingram reports the details in Google reacts to google-bombing.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Kelo v. New London

My apologies to any regular readers for failing to post anything at all lately... 'nuf said, here's today's thread:

Joan Claybrook is president of Public Citizen. Previously, she was head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the Carter administration from 1977 to 1981.

Wikipedia says "Public Citizen is a Washington, DC-based left-wing non-governmental organization, founded by Ralph Nader in 1971. Their activities span across a diverse range of issues, including campaign finance reform and accountability, consumer protection, public health and trade policy."

Public Citizen provides one of the best way to find critical, independent, expert information on prescription drugs at Search by drug, disease or condition, drug family, drug-induced disease or policy issue.

More by and about Public Citizen:
What recent judicial ruling could possibly bring together Maxine Waters, Tom DeLay, Molly Ivins, George Will, Rush Limbaugh and Ralph Nader in solid opposition... while exposing the darker side of one of the nation's reputedly liberal newspapers? Mat Welch explains Why The New York Times ♥s Eminent Domain.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hurricane Links...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Exit Strategy

On 8/31/2005 the Rude One posted the following...
The Hurricane Exit Strategy:
"At some point here, some wise, ambitious, and none-too-cynical member of Congress, perhaps Chuck Hagel, perhaps Russ Feingold, needs to say the obvious: Hurricane Katrina offers the ultimate exit strategy from Iraq. What other excuse need there be to pull vast numbers of troops and billions of dollars out of our overseas failure?"

"The patently absurd waste of billions of dollars will be brought to light by the suffering along the Gulf Coast. A couple of months from now, whenever some worthless, stupid right-wing .... puppet declares that the U.S. has built schools in Basra, it'll simply be a reminder of how much faster things could have been done in Biloxi if all those funds and all that personnel were readily available." and more...
Meanwhile Hugo Chavez offers help from Venezuela... food, water and fuel.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Politics for Children

"115 million people are not voting because they are not hearing anything authentic about issues of genuine concern. "We have a hunger for authenticity... we are ready to hear so much more," says author Jeff Golden.

"We always vote our self-interests... as we see it," he explains in "As If We Were Grownups" speaking as a recent guest on CNN's Book TV. "In this last election both parties put more money than ever before into grassroots action. There's some kind of resurgence in the value of face-to-face contact."

In his book he delineates 10 speeches you will never haer from a politician, filled with topics that politicians refuse to touch... and posts some key value tests like, "How will this decision affect my kids and grandkids?"

"We need to absolutely demand that costs and consequences of decisions be discussed... We need to demand election reforms, there's no reason for us to trust any politician that does not endorse a bill for verifiable election results."

"The guy who is not in the White House spent a year disguising his true feelings about the war because pollsters advised him against it. They say 'Don't get complicated, keep it simple'."

"I submit that you could write a speech that says I'm for democracy and then talk about what that means."

"In 1992 Ross Perot went from this rich kook to a guy that lots of people thought could be president - in about 30 days" - because he was talking about relevant issues.

Les AuCoin, nine-term U.S. Congressman, Oregon’s First District says the following about Golden's new book:
“I’m delighted to find in these pages a prescription that could stanch the bleeding of public confidence. Here’s a compelling case for politicians of all stripes to stop selling cotton candy - giving it away, really - and to start trusting that we voters are adults who can cope with what we need to hear. This book helps pave the way to a new national political ethic.“

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Milwaukee Community Journal

Live and learn... this country mouse just discovered another great bit of cheese! The Milwaukee Community Journal, touting themselves as "Wisconsin's Largest African American Newspaper." I discovered it via the backdoor after someone sent me a link to the following great editorial they published at: Hats off to greater independent media and to Howad Dean as well.

Joe Biden or Howard Dean: Which Democrat are you?

by Ron Walters, NNPA Columnist

I have to say this up front: I have had it with the likes of Joe Biden. The man whose confused politics as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee led to the approval of Clarence Thomas is still confused.

On a recent edition of Meet the Press, Howard Dean challenged the Republicans, saying that they were members of a largely ''White Christian party,'' as well as being people who ''never worked an honest day in their lives'' and that Tom Delay ought to go back to Texas where he could serve his jail sentence.

In other words, Dean did something that few other Democrats have had the guts to do - stand up to the Republicans on their own terms.

But Joe Biden and other ''moderate'' Democrats have, once again, caved in to the presumed popularity of conservatives and chastised their own party chair in public. This something Republicans would never do.

Where has Biden been for the last decade? Republicans have taken out after Democrats and ''liberals'' in the meanest, nastiest rhetoric possible on the floor of the House and Senate, in the media, and even in church.

They have repeatedly berated Senator Ted Kennedy, virtually making him a symbol of a left-wing kook, often with few of his colleagues in the Senate fighting back for him.

Tom Delay said recently that religious people who followed Democratic Party views on the issue of life during the Terri Schaivo event would suffer retaliation. Not one of his own colleagues took to the floor to oppose him.

Most important the voices of minority politicians were added to the public spanking of Dean. Senator Barak Obama said that he was ''using religion to divide'' when he referred to Republicans as being in a ''White Christian Party.''

Where has he been in the debates on the floor when elected officials and their political counterparts in the think tanks have tried to suggest that the founders of this country consciously created a Christian nation?

This position was supposed to privilege the role of Christians in politics and public policy, especially the radical Right-wing born-again that have taken over much of the Republican Party. Dean was not talking about all Christians. So, why were they not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt?

Gov. Bill Richardson put some distance between himself and Dean with his remarks, agreeing with others that he doesn't speak for the Party, ''its governors, it's senators, its party leaders.''

Well, what is Dean if he is not a Party leader? In fact, part of the problem with many Democratic Party leaders is that they have confused the rank-and-file with a wishy-washy politics that has resulted in following George Bush, rather than being the loyal opposition.

The fact is that there has repeatedly been a one-way attempt at consensus politics by Democrats, which has worked to their disadvantage.

A Black Senator and Hispanic governor should be the last people to shut up a straight-talking Democratic Party chair, when Republicans have fostered public policies that have pulverized their constituencies.

It is not only un-politic, but something lacking in logic when Democratic Party leaders join with Republicans to make Howard Dean an issue, when their political strategy should be to keep the heat on Bush and his policies.

While this was going on, the Senate approved the appointment of two of the most conservative judges in recent years, an ACLU Report was issued charging that Guantanamo was the ''American Gulag,'' the Downing Memorandum surfaced suggesting the Bush fixed intelligence to support his early intention to invade Iraq.
Why divert the heat from the administration to cuss out your own party chair, especially for saying things that are essentially true.

Well, here we go. Many of the Democratic elected officials Richardson talked about are cautious about roughing up Republicans because they are running for something and might make potential voters angry.

These are the Democrats who have adopted a cautious ''third-way'' politics to appeal to conservatives, while retaining their base. They can't appeal to conservatives however, if Dean makes them mad, so they oppose Dean in essence for pulling the covers off of this politics.

He is doing what should have been done a long time ago, by helping Democratic voters decide just who the progressives are: Who will oppose the unconscionable waste of resources being spent in an illegal war?

Who will approve of radical Christians taking over American politics and policy? Who will oppose policies that hurt people rather than seek some less hurtful consensus? And just who will stand up and be a member of ''the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party?''

The public opposition of some Democratic officials to Dean is sickening. It must not continue if Democrats are to know who they are and where they are really going.

Ron Walters is the Distinguished Leadership Scholar, director of the African American Leadership Institute in the Academy of Leadership and professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland-College Park. His latest book is "White Nationalism, Black Interests" (Wayne State University Press).

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Watch Dog Milwaukee

Just discovered the news hounds at - a great source for alternative local news under the editorial control of John-david Morgan. He covered police, courts, schools and politics under five different editorial regimes at Milwaukee’s newsweekly Shepherd Express from 1994-2000. JDM also spent a year writing for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

I discovered it after I stumbled upob one of their stories about a Port Washington homeowner's respectful shrine that is eliciting threats and reactionary disrespect from “patriotic” conservatives and peace offerings from others.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hikers, bikers and ATVs

"Southeast Wisconsin loses 87 square miles of farmland and forested areas each year to road building and sprawl," says the Sierra Club. In Places in Danger they name the Wisconsin Ice Age National Scenic Trail as a target for support, "...working with local groups to permanently protect the Trail corridor and promote smart growth planning by local governments to preserve farmland, forests, wildlife habitat and the Ice Age Trail."

At the same time trail access in a much broader sense is also the target of advocates from the Wisconsin ATV Association and pressure from enthusiasts, equipment dealers and a growing number of local ATV clubs around the state.
In a February 2004 advisory referendum, Vilas County voters rejected a proposal by local ATV clubs to build a trail system that would link it and other counties to trails in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

More recently, ATVs have been at the center of controversy over a new, 15-year master plan for the Northern Highland American Legion State Forest, which attracts 2 million visitors a year and covers a large part of Vilas County. The DNR is proposing an eight- to 10-mile loop. The trail would accommodate a burgeoning sport in a part of the state where there are no public trails.

Jim Knuth of Presque Isle, a self-described Republican who owns a snowmobile, is active among a group of residents who oppose ATVs in the state forest because they believe it will mean more noise and destruction of the land.

More significantly, "it's the toe in the door they want so badly," Knuth said of ATV proponents. "They want Vilas County, period."
"For better or worse, all-terrain vehicles are quickly passing the snowmobile in popularity," says Milwaukee Journal reporter Lee Berquist. "Recent attempts to add trails in Wisconsin have been controversial. State, county and federal land managers are finding themselves in the middle of pitched battles over how best to include - or exclude - the machines from land because of the damage they cause."

Of greater public concern should be the fact that tax dollars collected from the sale of ATV registrations and gasoline sales are "donated" by the Wisconsin legislature to help grow the sport. Berquist explains...
Since 2001, about $1 million has been paid in state contracts to the National Off-Highway Vehicle Insurance & Services Group Inc. to promote safety and ethical riding. The group, which has an insurance consulting arm as well, is a non-profit organization aligned with the Wisconsin ATV Association. Both are based in Sheboygan.

The two groups are headed by Randy Harden, a missionary of sorts, who put 40,000 miles on his car last year to promote the sport and champion ATV safety.

"I want to change the industry," Harden said. "We have made some gains, but the infrastructure has got to be there."

The national group recruits and trains safety instructors and so-called trail ambassadors with the aid of public dollars. The ambassadors are volunteers who have attended safety training instruction and are willing to stand guard on trails to warn riders of illegal riding or report transgressions to authorities. About 600 ambassadors have been trained, but only about 10% to 15% actively work the trails at busy times such as weekends, Harden said.

Harden and his wife, Ann, split one job for the national group and share a $68,688 annual salary. Their son Adam and another employee split another job and are paid $73,308 a year, according to DNR records. Five regional coordinators are paid $1,000 to $2,200 per month, plus travel expenses.

The payments to the national group are unprecedented - there is no similar program for snowmobiles, mountain bikes or personal watercraft.

Harden acknowledged he gets complaints from some ATV riders who don't like the meddling, and from advocates of quiet sports who question the propriety of doling out money to a single user group.
As of June 1, 2005 there were 220,171 ATVs publicly registered, according to the Wisconsin ATV Association, up from about 215,000 registrations in 2004. An additional 61,908 private and agricultural ATVs, used on private properties and farms, were registered by June 1.

Approximately 1,000 miles of mountain bike trails in Wisconsin state parks, forests, recreation areas, and unsurfaced trails on former rail lines are available. Brigit Brown, state trails coordinator for the DNR, says there are about 4,000 miles of ATV trails available at different times of the year throughout Wisconsin - far short of the 22,000 to 24,000 miles of snowmobile trails in Wisconsin.

Today the Baraboo News Republic reports, "Plans for ATV trails on 580 acres of county land near Highway 14 between Spring Green and Lone Rock stalled last spring after the Sauk County Board voted not to pursue a state-level grant until more public input had surfaced, said Steve Koenig, county parks director."

The Wisconsin Vehicle Safety Enhancement Grant includes the "Ride Smart - Get Involved -Tell Others" program, all about maintaining and increasing ATV riding opportunities in Wisconsin. Back in 2003 WATVA began pressing for more money... "In the previous two year period the ATV grant requests exceeded available program revenue by close to 1.3 million dollars! There is no doubt whatsoever that Wisconsin needs additional miles of new ATV trails at the same time managing and maintaining the existing ones in a sustainable and environmental responsible manner."

I don't doubt that the need for new trails will continue to grow as long as we keep spending tax dollars to fuel the expansion of this so-called sport. Meanwhile... A 49-year-old Kenosha man died Saturday in Lac du Flambeau after an ATV rolled onto him. A 5-year-old girl died Sunday at Saint Michael's Hospital in Stevens Point after the ATV she was riding on with another girl and a 34-year-old Pine Grove man flipped over on them.

Instead of legislators seeking to promote greater ATV use and expand trail access the public would be better served with firmer restrictions on ATV use. Let's start with age-appropriate restrictions - much like cigarettes. Llmit the false advertising that beckons potential riders to undertake what amounts to destructive off-trail excursions and require additional warnings that ATVs are a threat to human health. With obesity, ozone and oil dependency plaguing the nation motorsports are a fuelish waste of energy.